Saturday, August 29, 2020

University of Alabama Reports Over 1,000 Coronavirus Cases

The University of Alabama has reported that, within its first two weeks of opening, the school has recorded over 1,000 cases of COVID-19. Between just Aug. 25-27, another 492 students tested positive for the Coronavirus.

University of Alabama, Coronavirus, COVID-19Wesley Hitt / Getty Images

"Sentinel and for-cause testing following entry testing is a key pillar of our UA System Comprehensive Health and Safety Plan," University of Alabama's System Chancellor Finis St. John said Friday. "We have the most robust testing regimen of any entity in the state, giving us a clear picture of virus spread and informing our decisions. Fortunately, our isolation occupancy is below capacity, and the number will be adjusted as students complete the isolation period. We are closely monitoring our data daily, and we will continue to adjust operations as the situation warrants."

No students have been hospitalized for the virus yet. The school urges students to follow safety protocol as classes ramp-up to begin the semester.

"These measures, along with the limitations on gatherings on and off campus announced last Friday, are mandatory," University of Alabama President Stuart Bell told students in a letter. "Those who ignore them will face significant consequences, including suspension. We will continue to be nimble and proactive in the coming days and weeks ... Thank you in advance for how each of you are continuing to do your part and together we stand ready for the challenges."

Classes resumed on Aug. 19.

