Monday, August 31, 2020

Brian Austin Green Will "Never Say Never" On Megan Fox Reconciliation

It looks as if Brian Austin Green isn't giving up on his 10-year marriage with Megan Fox without a fight. Over the last few months, fans have watched as Megan Fox has openly displayed her romance with Machine Gun Kelly. The unlikely couple hasn't been shy about their relationship, even though Fox is legally still married to Green and they share three children together. Machine Gun Kelly has said that this is the real deal for him, but Green told fans that he isn't ruling out a reconciliation with his wife.

During an Instagram Live, the Beverly Hills 90210 icon was asked if he believes that he could work things out with Megan Fox. "I never say never," he reportedly responded. "You never know. I kinda feel like people are on paths in life and sometimes your paths are together and you travel that path together and you see eye to eye and then sometimes paths do different things," Brian Austin Green said. "And, you know, we had an amazing 15-year relationship."

"Right now the paths are...they're different and she is on her path doing what she feels she needs to be doing to be happy," he added. "I'm on my path doing what I feel I need to do to be happy and it's not for a lack of love for the kids or lack of being responsible." We wonder what MGK thinks about this. 

