Saturday, August 29, 2020

Shaun King Responds To Accusation That He Attempted To Profit Off Chadwick Boseman's Death

Shaun King has responded to allegations that he attempted to profit off of the death of Chadwick Boseman by promoting the sale of his latest book. King says the tweet was automated, but updated to mention Boseman.

Shaun King, Chadwick BosemanScott Eisen / Getty Images

"I literally do not make a penny off of sales for my book. Nothing. Got paid a year ago to write it. I had a mass email pre-scheduled to go out this morning about my book. I updated the email to also mention the death of Chadwick. And I don’t regret it. At all. There’s that," King wrote on Twitter, Saturday night.

The promotion in question is from an email sent by King. Check out what he sent to those in his email list below.

"Shaun King is using Chadwick's death to sell books, he claims don’t make him any money," the user who shared the email wrote on Twitter. "I’m so tired of SK profiting off of Black death. And for someone that isn’t making money on books he sure has sent A LOT of emails promoting it, trying to get it to #1."

Boseman's family announced that the actor died of colon cancer, in a social media post, Friday.

