Monday, August 31, 2020

Trump Doesn't Condemn Kyle Rittenhouse Killings: "They Very Violently Attacked Him"

After news began to circulate that President Donald Trump "liked" a tweet that supported the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, he has now made an official statement regarding the Kenosha, Wisconsin murders. The city has been faced with protests following the death of Jacob Blake, a father who was shot and killed by police in front of his children. Teenager Kyle Rittenhouse, along with members of a militia group, armed themselves and crossed state lines to, according to them, defend businesses against protesters and looters.

Trump, Kyle Rittenhouse, Jacob Blake, Kenosha, Killings
Ralph Freso / Stringer / Getty Images

Rittenhouse walked the streets with an AR-15-style weapon and shot and killed someone before killing one more and injuring another when confronted. Support for the teen has been overwhelming as $100K has reportedly been raised in crowdfunding from a Christan group and hundreds of thousands of people have taken to social media to say that Rittenhouse didn't do anything wrong.

Earlier today, reports stated that the White House claimed the president wouldn't be addressing the controversial killing, however, during a press conference, Trump did just that. A journalist asked Trump if he condemned the actions of vigilantes like Rittenhouse.

"We're looking at all—that was an interesting situation," President Trump said. "You saw the same tape as I saw and he was trying to get away from them, I guess. It looks like. Then he fell and they very violently attacked him and it was something that we're looking at right now, it's under investigation, but I guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed. It's under investigation." Check out the clip below.
