Friday, August 28, 2020

Terry Crews Calls Magic City Tweet "Ill-Timed," Advocates For Sex Trafficking Victims

Most of Terry Crews's Twitter timeline is dedicated to America's Got Talent. As the host of the long-running competition series, Crews uses his platform to highlight memorable moments from the show. However, there are those few times that Crews kicks up dust due to his comments that usually targets something related to Black culture. Recently, Crews shared a tweet that called for the dismantling for Atlanta's strip club hotspot Magic City, and the actor was met with backlash from a number of stars including Bow Wow and J.I.D.

Returning to his favorite platform once again, Crews dropped off a few additional thoughts about his Magic City mention. "My tweet yesterday however well intentioned, was ill-timed," Crews wrote. "I pray for the many women trapped and trafficked in the life of the sex industry and see no way out. I want them to know they are not product to be used, but People to be loved." In another tweet, Crews mentioned recently police shooting victim Jacob Blake, but later deleted the message.

"I also pray for the swift recovery of Jacob Blake, and can find no justification for shooting a man 7 times in the back in front of his children," Crews said. "The trauma of witnessing what happened to their father is devastating, and I want justice for the him and his family."

The tweets were met with a barrage of responses, many of which included criticisms from people who claimed that Crews assumed that all strippers, exotic dancers, or sex workers are being trafficked. Even with the negativity being sent his way, there were plenty of people standing in Terry's corner. Check out his tweet below and let us know if you agree with him.
