Friday, August 28, 2020

Candace Owens Takes Aim At LeBron James Over Jacob Blake Support

She's a polarizing figure in the political arena and it doesn't seem to faze Candace Owens one bit. The right-wing commentator and author often rubs people the wrong way with her straightforward, sometimes insulting approach to political and social justice issues, and she's ruffled a few feathers by taking aim at LeBron James in a recent tweet.

"Jacob Blake was armed with a KNIFE when cops shot him says Wisconsin AG," Megyn Kelly, former Fox News news anchor wrote on Twitter. Candace Owens retweeted the message and added a response. "Yes—but even if a black man is armed with a knife, has a warrant for his arrest over sexually assaulting a minor, threatens to grab another weapon from his car, AND is physically resisting, officers still mustn’t defend themselves or else RACISM. ...Cuz Lebron James says so 😂."

Candace is acknowledging the recent sports-driven protests as it's been reported that LeBron James has led the rallying cry for the Los Angeles Lakers to sit out the remainder of the NBA season. James has also used his platform to bring attention to Breonna Taylor's case and has been photographed taking a knee during the playing of the "National Anthem" while donning clothing about Black culture. Check out Owens's tweet below.
