Friday, August 28, 2020

TikTok Stars Face Criminal Charges Over L.A. Mansion Parties: Report

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has been coming down on people who have attempted to circumvent pandemic protocols. In many cities, people are renting mansions through Airbnb and hosting parties that have guestlists upward of 700 people. Many have been arrested and a few people are facing charges, including two TikTok stars: Bryce Hall and Blake Gray. 

The City of Angels has banned large gatherings and parties during the pandemic, but it didn't stop the social media stars from hosting events earlier this month. Hall's event was in celebration of his 21st birthday—a rager that boasted a number of online and social media stars as guests. In response, Garcetti had the utilities shut off inside of the luxury Hollywood Hills home and now it's reported by NBC Los Angeles that Hall and Gray have been hit with criminal charges for violating the city's ordinances.

“If you have a combined 19 million followers on TikTok in the middle of a public health crisis, you should be modeling great behavior, best practices, for all of us, rather than brazenly violating the law and posting videos about it,” City Attorney Mike Feuer reportedly stated during a press conference today (August 28). 

"It isn't just the party house itself that's affected,” Feuer added. “These individuals who attend your parties could leave and spread (the virus) to siblings, to parents, to grandparents, to coworkers, to others in the public." Hall and Gray could receive upwards of a year in jail and thousands of dollars in fines.

