Sunday, August 30, 2020

LeBron James Praises Barack Obama, Wishes He Was Still President

LeBron James has been at the forefront of the NBA's efforts to promote Black Lives Matter and attempt to make a difference while in the bubble. It's been a difficult road for many players although as it stands, the league has every intention of going out there and finishing off the season. Much of this has to do with the council of Barack Obama who spoke to LeBron James on Wednesday in the midst of the league's strike. As we reported, Obama told the players to keep playing, which is exactly what they opted to do.

Last night, after the Lakers defeated the Portland Trail Blazers, LeBron spoke to the media about President Obama and his influence. In fact, LeBron praised the former President and wished that he was still in office.

While many fans might criticize LeBron for this statement, it's important to note that LeBron has made it quite clear where he stands politically. Over the course of the past few months, the Lakers star has created the More Than A Vote campaign as a way to help stop voter suppression, while also making it clear that he wants Donald Trump out of office.

During his press conference last night, James also spoke on the importance of this moment and how he hopes to continue inspiring people.
