Sunday, May 31, 2020

Video Shows J.R. Smith Beating Up Protester Who Allegedly Broke His Window

Video has surfaced of Former NBA player J.R. Smith fighting with a man who allegedly broke his truck window during protests in Los Angeles.

J.R. Smith, Protests, FightGregory Shamus / Getty Images

Before video of the incident was uncovered by TMZ, Smith hopped on his Instagram Stories to get ahead of the controversy and tell fans his side of the story: "I just want y'all to know right now before you all see this shit somewhere else," Smith explained. "One of these little motherfucking white boys didn't know where he was going and broke my f*cking window in my truck.

"I chased him down and whooped his ass," Smith continued. "So, if the footage come out and y'all see it, I chased him down and whooped his ass. He broke my window. This ain't no hate crime. I ain't got no problem with anybody who doesn't have a problem with me. There's a problem with the motherfucking system and that's it. That motherfucker broke my window and I whooped his ass. He didn't know whose window he broke, and he got his ass whooped."

TMZ reports that Smith's vehicle was parked in a residential zone near the Flight Club on Fairfax Ave.

Check out footage recorded of the fight below.

