Sunday, May 31, 2020

Jay-Z On His Talk With Minnesota Gov. Walz & George Floyd's Death

Legendary rapper Jay-Z has released a statement regarding the death of George Floyd and his conversation with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. 

Jay-Z, George Floyd, ProtestsNicholas Hunt / Getty Images

Jay posted the statement on Twitter through his REFORM Alliance organization's account. He thanks Walz for bringing in Attorney General Keith Ellison to lead the George Floyd case. 

"After our very earnest conversation, thank you to Governor Walz for doing what's right and calling in attorney general Keith Ellison to take over the George Floyd case," Jay-Z says. "Earlier today, Governor Walz mentioned having a human conversation with me - a dad and a black man in pain. yes, I am human, a father, and a black man in pain and I am not the only one. now I, along with an entire country in pain, call upon AG Ellison to do the right thing and prosecute all those responsible for the murder of George Floyd to the fullest extent of the law. this is just a first step. I am more determined to fight for justice than any fight my would-be oppressors may have.

“I prevail on every politician, prosecutor and officer in the country to have the courage to do what is right. have the courage to look at us as humans, dads, brothers, sisters, and mothers in pain and look at yourselves."

