Sunday, May 31, 2020

Anonymous Shuts Down Minneapolis PD & CIty Websites

The work of Anonymous has been highlighted over the years, specifically when political and social tensions rise. This week, Americans across the country have united to protest this grave injustice that are the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, abd 

 Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images

After a few years of remaining low-key, Anonymous came out with a message at the wee hours of the morning with a demand: officers need to be held accountable for their actions. "Officers who kill people and commit other crimes need to be held accountable just like the rest of us," he said. "Otherwise, they will believe that they have the license to do whatever they want."

Shortly after, the Minneapolis PD and the City of Minneapolis websites were disabled, thanks to Anonymous. Several users have confirmed that the site is inaccessible. As of Sunday morning, both website servers are still completely down.

The video was initially shared with an Anonymous-affiliated Facebook page, though they didn't confirm whether they were behind the hacking. Instead, they retweeted several Twitter users suggesting that they did. 

The return of Anonymous also helped Mr. Robot start trending because they made direct references to Anonymous in their fourth and final season. 

Check out Anonymous' video below. 
