Friday, May 29, 2020

Beyoncé Comes Forward With PSA About George Floyd & #WeCantBreathe Movement

The Knowles-Carters may be international superstars, but they're always standing on the side of justice when it comes to issues that pertain to marginalized communities. In the wake of America's disruptive response to the police-involved murder of George Floyd, Beyoncé has released a public service announcement where she pleads with the public to show their support by signing one of four petitions.

Kevin Winter / Staff / Getty Images

"We need justice for George Floyd," Beyoncé said in the video. "We all witnessed his murder in broad daylight. We're broken and we're disgusted. We cannot normalize this pain. I'm not only speaking to people of color. If you're white, black, brown, or anything in between, I'm sure you feel hopeless by the racism going on in America right now. No more senseless killings of human beings. No more seeing people of color as less than human. We can no longer look away. George is all of our family in humanity. He's our family because he's a fellow American. There have been too many times that we've seen these violent killings with no consequences. Yes, someone's been charged, but justice is far from being achieved. Please sign the petition. Continue to pray for peace, compassion, and healing for our country."

She advised viewers to click the link in her bio that takes them to her website where they can support the #WeCantBreathe movement by signing the petitions of Color of Change,, We Can't Breath National, or the NAACP. Watch her video below.

