Sunday, May 3, 2020

NYPD Issues Numerous Citations For Violating Social Distancing Rules

New York Police Department Commissioner Dermot Shea says the police handed out dozens of citations, Saturday, for residents violating social distancing guidelines. 

NYPD, Coronavirus, Social DistancingJustin Heiman / Getty Images

“In parks specifically yesterday, we issued 43 summonses,” Shea said Sunday in a press briefing with Mayor Bill de Blasio.“I would just reiterate that we had tens of thousands of interactions with people all across the city yesterday, most of them without having to issue any type of enforcement activity, whether it’s a summons or arrest. New Yorkers are exhibiting extreme patience for the last few months. We’re going to ask for a little more of it.”

“The vast majority of New Yorkers are following the rules,” added de Blasio.

“It’s like something out of 1984,” one NYC resident told the NY Post, referencing George Orwell’s 1984. “What is this, a military state now?”

“I started to really pay attention and I saw dozens of police vans everywhere,” another NYC resident said. “It’s an overwhelming feeling. I understand they are keeping us safe, but do we really want to become China, where they’re recording you when you come out of your building?”

The sun was out and temperatures reached the 70s in NYC this weekend.

