Sunday, November 29, 2020

Nate Robinson Slandered Into Oblivion After Jake Paul Knockout

Nate Robinson and Jake Paul engaged in what ultimately ended up being perhaps the most brutal fight of the entire Mike Tyson Vs Roy Jones Jr. card. Coming into this fight, Robinson and Paul had a lot of bad blood between each other and it's clear that they wanted a piece of one another. Paul had been boxing for years prior to this fight while Robinson had prior fighting experience, although he firmly believed his athletic prowess would be enough to guide him to a victory.

In the end, Robinson suffered a vicious knockout in the second round that sent shockwaves throughout social media. Robinson had been knocked down once in the first round and then twice in the second. Following Paul's knockout punch, Robinson struggled to get up which had many concerned for his condition.

Eventually, Robinson was able to get up on his own before he ultimately exited the ring after what proved to be an embarrassing showing. As soon as fans noticed that he was okay, well, the memes began to fly as social media erupted with some brutal slander for the former NBA star.

Seeing as though Paul is hated on the internet, many were hoping for Robinson to come through and win. However, his loss was so devastating that fans simply couldn't believe their eyes, ultimately leading to some hilarious Twitter discourse. 

Check out some of the reactions to the Robinson fight, below.
