Monday, November 30, 2020

Nate Robinson Delivers Yet Another Message After Jake Paul KO

Nate Robinson suffered a vicious blow to the head on Saturday night as he fought Jake Paul in an exhibition boxing match. Robinson's loss was brutal to the eyes of many especially when you consider how he's a professional athlete and Paul is one of the most hated internet personalities in the entire world. Despite all of this, Robinson is still feeling grateful for everything that has happened, as many have reached out to support him during this rough time.

Taking to Instagram on Sunday, Robinson quoted a line from the movie Friday in which John Witherspoon gives Ice Cube some encouraging advice about what it's like to get hit and why it's important to keep fighting.

"Put that gun down son, get knocked out like your father used to," Robinson quoted. "Great souls are grown through storms of struggles and seasons of suffering."

Earlier in the day, Robinson also posted photos with some of his former NBA teammates, in which he revealed that many of them have been delivering some overwhelming support. Among those players is none other than Kevin Garnett.

"I need to thank all my brothers for the support! There are too many to name, and IG only lets me choose 10 pics..but I’ve seen every one of you. HUGE shout out to my brother KG for being there, and all of y’all that have reached out to me PERSONALLY...Mike Bibby, Carlos Arroyo, Bonzi Wells, Malik Rose, everyone in these pics, etc," Robinson wrote.

While the former NBA star lost the fight, it's clear that many are still in his corner, for better or for worse.
