Monday, November 30, 2020

Lil Baby Criticized By Houston's Mayor For Performing At Packed Nightclub

Despite concerns over COVID-19, millions of people gathered together for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Whether they were sharing a meal with family and friends or hitting up the club scene, images and videos of people maskless and partying have flooded social media. Reginae Carter celebrated her 22nd birthday in Atlanta at a packed, star-studded party, and on the eve of Thanksgiving, Lil Baby turned up at the Spire Nightclub in Houston, Texas.

The city's mayor, Sylvester Turner, spoke with ABC13 News about Lil Baby's event and he wasn't happy with videos circulating showing the concert's crowd without masks as they were standing close to one another. "It's very disturbing," said the Mayor. "The way I look at it, it's quite selfish on their part."

"There are many businesses and managers that are doing the right thing, and I commend them," Turner continued. "But there are some who are simply ignoring the healthcare precautions and the protocols." The news outlet reached out to the owners of Spire, who also operate other nightclub hotspots in Houston, for a statement about hosting parties during a pandemic.

In a response via text they wrote, "We were below our legal occupancy. Every night we deal with keeping people socially distant. Once Lil Baby (Wednesday night's headliner) started to perform, people got out of their seats and rush towards the front area, so we had to cut the concert short."

Various cities across the United States have implemented new stay-at-home orders that mirror the lockdown mandates from earlier this year.

