Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mindy Kaling Sued For Crashing Into Woman's Car While On Cellphone: Report

A collision that reportedly occurred back in January 2019 is at the center of a lawsuit. The Office actress Mindy Kaling is being sued by an unidentified woman who claims that they were involved in a car crash on January 7, 2019. The Emmy-winning actress reportedly hit the person's vehicle while traveling down the popular Hollywood street, Highland Avenue. The alleged victim states in the lawsuit that Kaling caused the car crash when she ran a stop sign.

Mindy Kaling, Car Accident, Lawsuit
Rich Fury / Staff / Getty Images

The lawsuit accuses Kaling of being negligent and crashing into the victim because she was on her cellphone at the time. Documents say that The Mindy Project star was engaging in "reckless conduct" and listed various regulations that were violated. "Regulations relating to the safe operation of a vehicle, maintaining control of a vehicle, traveling at a safe speed for the conditions, keeping a proper look-out, and other traffic safety rules and regulations." It is reported by The Blast that Kaling was on her way to an interview at the time of the accident.

The alleged victim has stated that her injuries include "shock and injury to the nervous system" and that she suffers from "great physical, mental, and nervous pain." The woman is seeking "a minimum of $25,000 in damages for medical and health care expenses caused by the accident." Kaling hasn't publicly given a statement about the allegations made in the lawsuit.

