Thursday, October 29, 2020

50 Cent Voting For Joe Biden According To Chelsea Handler

Donald Trump's supporters will not be pleased to hear this but, following his endorsement of the President's re-election, 50 Cent has officially stepped back from his previous support of the candidate, choosing to vote for Joe Biden instead.

This comes after about two weeks of back-and-forth with comedian Chelsea Handler, with who Fif had a relationship several years ago.

The New York native caused quite the stir when he admitted that Biden's proposed tax plan for the rich threw him off and, as a result, he would be voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Then, when Handler pressed him on social media and offered to pay his increased taxes, he seemingly did a double-take on his own endorsement, logging back onto Instagram and saying: "Fuck Donald Trump, I never liked him."

Handler still was unsure of who Fif would be voting for though, asking for his time this week to have a personal conversation to discuss the importance of his endorsement. As per the comedian's recent appearance on The View, she got in Fiddy's ear and, next week, he will be voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Brad Barket/Getty Images

"He called me and he wasn’t serious, he was just screwing around on his Twitter," said Chelsea Handler about 50 Cent on the daytime talk show. "He is supporting Joe Biden, he made that very clear to me and he said that I was able to tell you girls and any other press that I did that he is supporting Joe Biden. And then we talked and had a cute little conversation."

She went on to say that, legally, she's not allowed to pay his taxes as promised but that she has other plans.

"I did promise to pay his taxes, and then I found out it’s illegal to pay somebody to vote for your candidate," she laughed. "So I’ve offered him another form of payment and we’ll see if he’ll take me up on it. But I don’t have to pay him, he’s already a Biden supporter."

50 Cent has yet to speak on Handler's claims but, given the fact that he publicly denounced Trump this weekend, it's probable that he does indeed plan to vote Biden.

