Friday, October 23, 2020

Melania Goes Viral Again For Pulling Hand Away From President Trump After Final Debate

We've all seen by now the multiple moments caught on camera where First Lady Melaina Trump appears to be pulling away for dear life every time current President Donald Trump tries to hold her hand. Well, it happened again after the final presidential debate last night, and the moment is yet another instance of a woman trying to escape the thralls of Trump.

Melania Trump Pulls Hand Away President Donald Trump After Presidential Debate
Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

The proof is even in the pictures, as the pair is seen above in the photon taken in Nashville, Tennessee at the end of the debate looking, well, awkward AF. Trump can be seen reaching out to an extremely stoic Melania, not even looking each other in the eye. Granted, the energy between Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden isn't the most loving in comparison when you look at the photo, but the video proof is where things become particularly clear as to the stark difference between the two married political couples. If Melania is in fact trying her absolute hardest to avoid holding hands with Donald, we not only don't blame her but we can only hope she's able to develop some techniques to keep his paws off.

We say this all to be facetious, but voting in the next few weeks is no joke — Jennifer Aniston already made that clear for anyone thinking about voting for Kanye West. Be sure to do your part and hit the polls on November 3 or request a mail-in ballot now if you want to help make great change over the next four years for our nation. If not for anything else, do it so Melania can finally escape Trump's grasps for good!

Watch the moment caught on video via TMZ below, and let us know if you think it's a reach or a reality that Melania wants no parts in Trump's little hands:
