Sunday, October 25, 2020

50 Cent Denounces Donald Trump

50 Cent has been under fire all week after expressing his support for Donald Trump. The rapper/TV exec. chimed in on Biden's proposed tax plan, saying that he was voting for Trump because he didn't want to go from 50 Cent to 20 Cent. Despite having released an album called Get Rich Or Die Tryin', many appeared to be disappointed in Fif's support for Trump including his ex, Chelsea Handler.

"Hey fucker! I will pay your taxes in exchange for you coming to your senses. Happily! Black lives matter. That’s you, fucker! Remember?" She tweeted at Fif. At the time, Fif asked that their political stance not interfere with their relationship

She later doubled down on Jimmy Fallon's show with some otherwise questionable comments on Fif's support for Trump. "I had to remind him that he's a Black person so he can't vote for Donald Trump and he shouldn't be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he's worried about his own personal pocketbook," she said. "I haven't heard from him yet but I'm ready to seal the deal in more ways than one if he changes his mind and publicly denounces Donald Trump. I might be willing to go for another spin if you know what I'm talkin' about."

It looks like Chelsea Handler's proposal is way better than anything Donald Trump has ever offered Fif because he didn't blink twice before switching sides. The rapper shared the clip to his Instagram page where he then denounced the president. "A what, another spin," he wrote. "Fuck Donald Trump, I never liked him. For all I know, he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed but that's history. LOL."

Chelsea Handler did say that the offer to pay his taxes stands until November 3rd but it's quite clear it's not the money 50 Cent is worried about. 
