Friday, September 25, 2020

YNW Melly To Remain Behind Bars Until 2021 As Court Date Is Set

When he was first arrested, YNW Melly assured his friends and fans that he would be free sometime soon. The young rapper even released an album while behind bars, but it's been months since we've received updates on his court case. According to new reports, it looks as if Melly will remain in custody until 2021 as news has surfaced that his next court date is scheduled for late January.

YNW Melly stands accused of participating in the double homicide of two of his associates: Anthony Williams known as YNW Sakchaser and Christopher Thomas Jr. also known as YNW Juvy. Williams and Thomas were killed in October 2018 and prosecutors allege that Melly and his associate Cortlen Henry, known as YNW Bortlen, acted as co-conspirators.

Meanwhile, Melly has maintained his innocence and after reportedly contracting COVID-19 while incarcerated, the rapper reportedly petitioned to be released on house arrest. Melly continues to be held without bond. In related news, last week a 43-year-old man connected to YNW Melly was shot three times because of his relationship with the rapper. An 18-year-old named Traveion Banks was arrested in connection with the shooting.

