Monday, September 28, 2020

Jimmy Butler Responds To Dwyane Wade's High Praise

When the season started, the expectations on the Miami Heat weren't very high. With Jimmy Butler at the helm, some pundits felt like they could compete for a playoff spot, but wouldn't go very far. Of course, as soon as the season began, the Heat proved everyone wrong as they quickly became one of the best teams in the Eastern Conference, and even sustained that success well into the bubble. Come playoff time, he Heat continued to dominate, and now, they are in the NBA Finals where they will get to battle against LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers.

Immediately following the Heat's big triumph, Heat legend Dwyane Wade took to Twitter where he offered congratulations to Butler, saying just how happy he was for him. Butler eventually replied thanking Wade for the support.

Throughout the season, Wade has been like a big brother to all of the players on the Heat. Fresh off of his retirement, the future Hall Of Famer has got to witness greatness from his former team, although he will certainly be torn on who to root for now that his best friend LeBron is also in the Finals.

Regardless, we're in for what should be a fun and interesting series.
