The relationship between NLE Choppa and his ex-girlfriend has been rocky, but things recently came to a head. The rapper and a young woman named Mariah recently welcomed their daughter Clover into the world just months ago. As they've adjusted to becoming parents, there have been reports that behind the scenes, Choppa and Mariah were struggling with getting along. Back in June, Choppa sent out a few tweets speaking ill of the mother of his child, but he later returned to Twitter to apologize.

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It seems that things have turned sour once again because Mariah has accused NLE Choppa of shooting at her mother's home. During an Instagram Live session, Mariah told her viewers that the rapper came by her mother's home because he wanted to see their daughter. Mariah was there but her mother wasn't, so she told him that he had to wait until her mother returned. According to Mariah, this upset Choppa and they got into an altercation. She claimed he tried to push his way into the house and mentioned that he "attacked" her.
Mariah also said that Choppa fired off shots at the home as well with Baby Clover inside. Meanwhile, Choppa got on his Live to share his side of the story. He claimed that he just wanted to see his child but Mariah wouldn't let him. He said that Mariah attacked him, while she stated that her stepfather called the police on Choppa. The rapper admitted on his Live that he may have added two felonies to his record. He's allegedly facing charges of domestic violence and vandalism.