Following his alleged involvement in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting, Tory Lanez has been the subject of a lot of public scrutinies. This criticism has been ongoing today due to the fact he dropped a brand new project called DAYSTAR on Friday. The 17-track project is meant to be Tory's response to the allegations, with him claiming that he never shot the beloved rapper.
Earlier today, Rick Ross offered up some scathing criticism of Tory, noting that he should have never released his album today and that it was disrespectful to Breonna Taylor. Ross even bought himself a Smart Car and claimed it was for Tory.
This evening, Lanez replied to Ross, noting that the Canadian artist actually attended the Breonna Taylor protests while Ross didn't participate in any of them. Lanez even blasted Ross for promoting his products while making posts about her death.
"I respect u 2 much as a black man to disrespect you in these times, however, I went out and marched 9 DAYS STRAIT for Breonna Taylor ..IN YOUR CITY ...I didn’t see the “boss” out there once ?...also stop tagging your endorsements in post about her. It’s a poor decision," Lanez wrote.
Ross isn't the only artist to offer some criticism for Tory and considering the circumstances, he certainly won't be the last.