Sunday, September 20, 2020

Stephen A. Smith Flattered By Funny Kwame Brown Rant Impression

Stephen A. Smith has had some pretty hilarious rants throughout his time at ESPN although perhaps his best one came during the 2000s while discussing the likes of Kwame Brown. At the time, Brown had just been traded from the Los Angeles Lakers which is something Smith was begging and pleading for. Leading up his hilarious rant, Smith was a staunch critic of Brown and the trade was the climax of all of it. In fact, this rant birthed the infamous "bonafide scrub" line, which has been duplicated numerous time over the past few years.

In fact, a TikTok'er by the name of @lauredemiami took to her account recently to offer a line-by-line impersonation of the infamous rant, and it just so happens that Smith saw it. The First Take host was so taken aback by the impression, that he posted it on his Twitter account, with a kind message for the woman responsible.

"They Say Imitation is the greatest form of I guess they are right because I’m VERY flattered that this young lady recalled every word I said. Touching! (Haaaaaa)," Smith wrote.

With this impression in mind, perhaps Smith should invite Laura on to First Take, especially since her Heat are still in the playoffs.
