Monday, September 21, 2020

Lupe Clarifies Kendrick Lamar Lyricist Remarks, Says K-Dot Is A Better Artist

Following launching a debate on social media after naming himself as a better lyricist than Kendrick Lamar, Lupe Fiasco returns with a more lengthy explanation. On Monday (September 21), Lupe stirred the pot after someone posed the question of who was a better lyricist between Lupe and K-Dot. Unsurprisingly, Lupe crowned himself, but not everyone agreed, including TDE's president Punch who seemed to laugh away the comments. Hours into the conversation about his response, Lupe Fiasco tweeted that while he stands by his lyricism claims, he admits that Kendrick Lamar is a better artist.

"In my own words...once again for you b*tches...I love me some KDot...always have always will," Lupe tweeted. "With that said do think I he’s a good lyricist? Yes. Do I think he’s the best lyricist? No. Do I think it’s lyricists that are better than him? Yes. Is he a better artist than me? Yes. Is he a better lyricist than me? No. Does he make better songs than me? Yes. Did I think control was ridicule? No. Am I jealous of Kdot? No. Did I personally give him his props in chicago on stage as the next n*gga to take the crown? YES. Is It on camera? Yes. Did I mean it? Yes."

He also stated that "unsuccessful n*ggaz" are "pushing this" after he called himself and Kendrick Lamar "legends." Lupe added, "TDE is my favorite rap label. Bye." He later deleted the series of tweets, but that hasn't ceased the conversation.
