Monday, September 21, 2020

Ellen DeGeneres Reacts To Controversy During Return To Talk Show

Ellen DeGeneres had an extremely stressful summer as her show was in the news for all of the wrong reasons. Multiple reports surfaced that the show was fostering a toxic work environment and that many behind the scenes employees were upset at the way they were treated. Ellen herself was named as a culprit in these accusations, which led to a barrage of people trying to cancel her.

Today, DeGeneres made her long-awaited return to her show, where the comedienne decided to address all of the accusations. As you can see in the video below, DeGeneres offered an apology for everything that has gone wrong, and that she hopes to improve the conditions while acknowledging her privilege.

"I learned that things happened here that never should have happened," DeGeneres said. "I take that very seriously and I want to say I'm so sorry to the people that were affected. I know that I'm in a position of privilege and power and I realize that with that comes responsibility. I take responsibility for what happens at my show."

Now that the show has returned, it will be interesting to see how the controversy will affect the ratings. People tend to be forgiving, so only time will tell whether or not the show has truly suffered.

