Monday, April 27, 2020

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Returns To Work

The coronavirus has already affected millions of people worldwide, and even some world leaders have been hit by the potentially deadly virus. On March 27th, United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson was diagnosed with COVID-19; at the time, many weren't entirely surprised, given that Johnson previously admitted to shaking hands with several coronavirus patients. Things took an alarming turn when reports indicated that Johnson had been placed in the ICU, leaving Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to take over in his stead.

 Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Image

Three weeks removed from his hospital stay, Johnson has officially returned to work. Standing outside of 10 Downing Street, Johnson gave a full address, beginning with an apology for lost time. "I'm sorry I've been away from my desk much longer than I would have liked," he says, in a near-ten minute speech. "Every day I know this virus brings new sadness and mourning to households across the land. And it is still true that this is the biggest single challenge this country has faced since the war."

"It is also true we are making progress, with fewer hospital admissions," he continues. "Fewer COVID patients in ICU, and real signs now that we are passing through the peak. Thanks to your forbearance, your good sense, your altruism, your spirit of community, thanks to our collective national resolve, we are on the brink of achieving that first clear mission: to prevent our national health service from being overwhelmed in a way we have tragically seen elsewhere."

Should you be interested in following the impact COVID-19 on a global scale, check out Boris Johnson's first address since being admitted to the hospital right here.
