Sunday, April 26, 2020

Brad Pitt Plays Dr. Anthony Fauci On Saturday Night Live: Watch

Dr. Fauci got his wish. Earlier in the month, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases joked that he wanted actor Brad Pitt to play him on SNL, and that’s what exactly happened this weekend.

For this Saturday’s in-home edition of SNL, Brad Pitt served as a guest where he played Dr. Anthony Fauci. In a grey wig and wire-frame glasses, Pitt (as Fauci) fact checked all of Trump's ridiculous statements he has said to the American people about the coronavirus, including his most recent remarks about suggesting we try to get “light inside the body” or pursue some way of injecting disinfectant. “When I hear things like ‘the virus can be cured if everyone takes the Tide Pod challenge,’ I’ll be there to say, ‘Please don’t.’”

Pitt also mocked Trump’s promise early on in the coronavirus pandemic that “everybody gets a test” and that those tests are “beautiful.” “I don’t know if I would call the tests beautiful, unless your idea of beauty is having a cotton swab tickle your brain,” Pitt says in the clip. “Also, when he said, ‘everyone can get a test,’ he meant almost no one.”

Pitt then delivered a message to the real Dr. Fauci and all the first responders in America, thanking them for all their hard work. Check out the hilarious, yet true clip (below).
