Friday, November 26, 2021

Skip Bayless Drops Perhaps The Most Cursed Video On Sports Twitter

Skip Bayless is one of the more polarizing characters when it comes to sports media. In the grand scheme of things, most people despise him, however, there are quite a few people out there who find the humor in what he does. He can be kind of a goofball when it comes to Twitter, and last night, that was certainly the case as the Dallas Cowboys lost to the Las Vegas Raiders on Thanksgiving. It was a horrible showing for the Cowboys defense, and Bayless wasn't having it.

However, instead of acting normal about the loss, Bayless decided to unleash a truly bizarre video that left many wondering as to what was going on. As you can see down below, Skip is staring at the camera and making uncomfortable ASMR noises while grimacing as if something were happening to him below his chest.

Fans immediately picked up on the weird video and started to bust out theories as to what was going on. Some of the more humorous ones involved sexual acts, while others just chalked it up to Skip being a bit of a weirdo. It was truly bizarre and even this morning, fans are still trying to figure out why he would ever post something like that.

Either way, you can find some of the reactions to Skip's antics, down below.
