Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dwyane Wade Hits Someone's House While Golfing With Tiger Woods

Dwyane Wade is an all-time great basketball player, and there is no doubt that he will be headed to the Hall Of Fame in short order. After winning three NBA titles with the Miami Heat, he is certainly going to get in on the first ballot, and we're sure guys like LeBron James and Chris Bosh will be front and center to witness Wade's ascension to basketball glory.

Throughout his retirement, Wade has been exploring various different hobbies, including golf. If you've ever played the game of golf, then you would know that it is extremely difficult and can be excruciatingly frustrating if you are having a bad day.

Dwyane Wade

Jason Koerner/Getty Images for LYFE Brand

Golf can be even harder when you're trying to impress one of the best golfers of all time. Well, Wade felt that pressure a few months ago as he got to golf with Tiger Woods, prior to the latter's car accident. In a new video posted to GOLFTV's Twitter page, you can see Wade getting off a questionable swing that ends with a ball hitting someone's house. Wade is clearly concerned about what he just did, all while Woods can be seen laughing about the entire ordeal.

Wade's swing just goes to show that golf is an incredibly tough sport to play, even got legendary athletes like D-Wade. Hopefully, Woods was able to teach him a thing or two about teeing off so that next time, this doesn't happen again.
