Friday, February 26, 2021

Lady Gaga Reunited With Dogs After Woman Turns Them Over To Police

Following a near-death encounter for her dogwalker Ryan Fischer, Lady Gaga has reportedly been reunited with her two stolen dogs. Days ago, Fischer was walking the animals in Hollywood when a car driving by stopped next to him. Several people jumped out and attempted to grab the pups, and when Fischer screamed for help and fought back, he was shot in the chest. Surveillance footage of the incident was released and showed the frightening incident in its entirety, ending in Fischer screaming for help as he bled out on the street before a resident nearby called the police for help.

We previously reported that Fischer is recovering well and has been moved out of the ICU, and in a post, Gaga called him her "hero" for defending her family. She also offered $500K to anyone who safely returned her dogs, and it reported that a woman may be a half-million dollars richer after visiting a police station with the pets.

According to CBS2 News in Los Angeles, a woman walked into the Downtown station with the animals and according to the Los Angeles Police Department, she is "uninvolved and unassociated" with the brazen shooting. However, the LAPD didn't reveal how she came to acquire the two dogs. Gaga is currently in Rome and her representative confirmed that the dogs were indeed the singers.

There wasn't any further information shared about the perpetrators at this time.

