Key! has been one of the more unique artists to come out of Atlanta as of late and with the album 777, he was able to become a fan-favorite that music listeners were expecting a lot from. Since that time, Key! has lived up to the loft expectations and for the last little while, fans have been anticipating a new project. On New Year's Day, that's exactly what Key! gave his fans as he linked up with New York producer Tony Seltzer on a new album called The Alpha Jerk.
This project has 17 tracks and has a runtime of 40 minutes which means it is the perfect length if you want to listen to something before your New Year's Day plans. There is plenty of content to digest here and there are even some features from the likes of Lil Yachty and Sonny Digital, which helps add some depth to the album
Check the project out below, and let us know what you think.