Monday, March 30, 2020

Tierra Whack Fights Quarantine Blues On "Stuck"

It's been a minute since Tierra Whack unleashed a barrage of incredible music through her since-retired "Whack Wednesdays" series, which ultimately brought us tracks like "Wasteland" and "Unemployed." Since then, it's been relatively quiet on that front, though optimists might reason that Whack has been using the downtime to finesse her Whack World follow-up. Unfortunately, the coronavirus-related lockdown has been a bump in our collective roads, culminating in unexpected pitstops like Whack's latest loosie "Stuck." 

Not exactly an original composition, Whack employs a clever flip of Canadian icon Alanis Morissette's "Ironic," dedicating the playful bout of commiseration to "everyone on lockdown." In lieu of going for a traditional release, Whack uploaded this one to Twitter complete with an impromptu video, one that highlights the dire nature of cabin fever left untreated. 

"Sick of being stuck in the house, I want to go out now," laments Whack, in the opening lines. It doesn't take long for Whack's playful disposition to shine through, especially when paired with the amusing and turtle-heavy visuals. Given the satirical nature, it's not entirely designed for repeat listens, but in today's stressful times we appreciate the levity more than ever. 
