Sunday, March 1, 2020

Stro Claims Royalty On "Kings County"

Brooklyn's  Stro has something to say. The NY artist dropped off Back On Saratoga this week, and the album is fire. Stro walks between head bumping singles and introspective pieces effortlessly. "Kings County" is one of the former. The single has a haunting and creeping instrumental that sounds like it belongs in Castlevania. The creepy instrumental gets life from its upbeat percussions that make the single feel like it's radio-ready. 

Stro drops bars about his own success and brags about his status so far. There isn't s definitive theme to "Kings County," making it one of the few tracks on the album where Stro allows himself to rap freely. Running for just over 2 minutes, our only issue with this track is that it doesn't run long enough. Stro goes off on this one, and it would sound best in the club or driving in your whip before heading out for the night.  

Quotable Lyrics
Niggas sleep
I ain't underground
You just under sheets
Tell em wake up
Stories I can't make up
Like a woman cheek
