Monday, September 6, 2021

Kanye West's "DONDA" Had More Second-Day Streams Than Drake's "Certified Lover Boy"

Drake will almost certainly win the first-week sales battle, but it looks like Kanye West may have the upper-hand in long-term sales because already, on the second day of release, DONDA has more second-day streams than Certified Lover Boy.

After five days on the market, Kanye West secured enough first-week sales with DONDA to have the overall best first week of album sales for the year. That record is only set to last for the next few days though because, on Friday, Drake will surely snatch that crown from him. However, with the way that things are looking for both albums, DONDA may be proving to be the more impactful project in the long run because, comparing second-day streams, Kanye had more activity than Drake.

According to multiple sources, including XXL, Drake blew Kanye out of the water with first-day streams, clocking in at 153 million as opposed to Kanye's 94 million. On the second day though, Kanye's streams grew to over 102 million, while Drake's dwindled dramatically, reducing to 89 million. At this rate, it feels like Certified Lover Boy could be here and gone within a few weeks, while DONDA is continuing to strive.

Which album have you been enjoying the most lately? With the comparisons that were made after Kanye and Drake dropped their respective albums, it will be interesting to see how the sales battle looks at the end of this week.
