Thursday, July 9, 2020

Robert Fuller, Man Found Hanging From Tree, Died By Suicide: Report

There has been much controversy regarding the death of Robert Fuller. After the 24-year-old Black man was found hanging from a tree last month in the Southern California city of Palmdale, the public began questioning investigators' immediate findings that Fuller lost his life by suicide. His family demanded his case to be examined further and refused to believe that Robert Fuller took his own life, but a medical examiner has released a new report that states the cause of Fuller's death is suicide.

There were reportedly no signs of struggle at the scene and there was nothing to indicate to authorities that Fuller, who had been previously hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and depression, made any attempts to remove the rope from around his neck. The controversial case came within days of another nearby hanging of a Black man, Malcolm Harsch, who was found in Victorville, California. Harsch's death was also ruled a suicide. Following the development of video evidence, his family shared that Harsch did take his own life.

In Fuller's case, investigators learned that an EBT card registered to Fuller was used to purchase a red rope like the one that was used in his death. Furthermore, authorities stated that nothing indicated that Fuller was maneuvered or "hoisted" into his final position by any other parties involved.

