Saturday, July 25, 2020

Guillermo del Toro On Filming During Pandemic & New Film "Antlers"

Guillermo del Toro attended Comic-Con@Home to promote his new film, Antlers, with director Scott Cooper. They debuted new footage from the film and spoke about working during the coronavirus pandemic.

Antlers, CoronavirusDaniel Knighton / Getty Images

“The film looks into the horrors of what it means to be an individual of America today and all of the crises we’re facing, quite frankly,” Cooper explains. “Climate crisis, drug-addicted populace, our treatment of Native Americans, abject poverty — all of those sort of things without hopefully feeling like a message film. But wrapped into a monster film.”

“You’re operating a large, surgical theater,” del Toro says. “You have to be sterile, you have to have everybody in conditions that are almost clinical, but you have to reenact the carnival with the extras and everything. The way you approach it is different. The way you stage with the extras, the way you stack them, the way you hire them, for example. Extras are hired by the day normally; now you’re gonna buy them out for many, many weeks. A lot of the time they’re going to be down. But you want them exclusively because you don’t want them to go from your set to a comedy in space, and then they come back and they didn’t quarantine. So you’re basically buying them for a period and saying, ‘You’re going to be monogamous with our movie. You’re not going to go on shoot three and come back on Wednesday.’ There’s dozens and dozens of pages of caution that we had to really consider. I’ll tell you on the other end.”

Check out new footage from "Antlers" below.

