Friday, July 3, 2020

Arkansas Daycare Kicks Out 6-Year-Old For Wearing Black Lives Matter Shirt

As the Black Lives Matter movement continues to bring forth unity and power amongst those who believe equality for all is of dire importance, unfortunately not everyone is behind that notion. However, who would've imagined that the latter group would include a daycare in Russellville, Arkansas.

Arkansas Daycare Kicked Out 6-Year-Old girl Wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirt
Image: Mark Makela/Getty Images

As FOX16 reports it, a six-year-old girl was asked to not return by His Kids Preschool after officials disagreed with her wearing a Black Lives Matter-themed T-shirt. According to Deval Brockman, the mother of Journei Brockman, she was informed that staff at the daycare didn't "like" or "agree with" the shirt. After an initial warning which asked that she not wear it again, Journei was officially told not to come back when Deval sent her back to the school in a similar T-shirt that featured a raised fist on the back and the words "I Can't Breathe" on the front.

Here's the quote that His Kids Preschool released in response to the backlash, via the school director Patricia Brown:

Due to the threat of allegations and under the advisement of the council, His Kids Learning Center will only be releasing this written statement concerning The Brockman’s: We feel a childcare environment is not a place for a parent’s political views to be addressed or played out, regardless of race.

Watch the story in further detail via FOX16 below, and let us know what you think should be done in this situation by sounding off down below in the comments:
