Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sony Pulls The Plug On PlayStation Vue Streaming Service

Just a few months shy of its five-year anniversary, Playstation Vue has officially been disconnected by Sony due to simply not being able to keep up with the competition. 

When Sony took a minute just before ringing in 2020 to pay homage to the products that brought the company success over the past 25 years under the Playstation imprint (seen above), noticeably missing was anything to represent the PS Vue television streaming service. Now we see why, as Sony was silently phasing it out completely. According to reports, Vue had to go up against a bevy of competitors, including Google's popular YouTube TV, the live TV service provided by Hulu and the most successful of them all: Dish Network's Sling. To put things in perspective, while the latter boasted somewhere in the range of 2.4 million subscribers, PlayStation Vue maintained roughly 800,000 subscribers according to CNN. Another reason states that people still just prefer good ol' traditional television, adding an interesting stat from research firm eMarketer that states 86.5 million U.S. households paid for TV last year compared to the 9.1 million hooked into internet live stream services.

R.I.P. Playstation Vue — we hardly even knew you! Let us know what you thought of the service during its five-year run down below in the comments.


