Monday, January 20, 2020

Read The Emotional Tribute Mac Miller's Brother Penned For His Birthday

This weekend, many took to social media to honor what would have been Mac Miller's 28th birthday. The date landed on Saturday on the heels of the arrival of the late rapper's first posthumous album release and equated to a bittersweet moment for both fans and those that knew him best.

Among those using their platform to express their love for the artist, born Malcolm McKormick, was his brother Miller. The older McKormick took the opportunity to reflect on a "good first memory," going back to the day that his younger brother was born.

"sitting by the window in the hospital after your birth is a good first memory," wrote Miller in an old photo of Mac Mas a child. "mom’s nurse brought mint jelly. man i’m so proud of you. and i miss you. i’m mad that we won’t be sitting on a porch talking about baldness. and babies. maybe there’s a version of that still. hard to let go. wish you were really here. bet they throw a good party. you’re the best, hope you know it. funny, kind, messy. old tender wisdom. love you, love you. big smelly bear hug."

The tribute arrived early Sunday evening as listeners continue to consume Mac Miller's Circles project. With his family's supervision, the effort arrived on Friday in completion of the work that Mac had already begun late in his life. 
