Friday, May 29, 2020

Grimes Plans To Sell Her Soul For "Best Offer" In Art Exhibit

The things people will do in the name of art. Popstar Grimes has been unconventional throughout her career but the new mother has elicited strong responses from the public after it was revealed that she planned on selling her soul. The new mom will take part in an upcoming, digital art exhibit that she's hosting titled "Selling Out." During the exhibit, Grimes, real name Claire Boucher, will sell various items including drawings, photographs, art prints, and her soul.

Jesse Grant / Stringer / Getty Images

Grimes spoke with Bloomberg about the controversial move, explaining the method behind her madness. “I didn’t want anyone to buy it, so I said we should just make it $10 million, and then it probably won’t sell," she said. This will be a legal exchange as she told the outlet that “the deeper we got with it, the more philosophically interesting it became.”

“I really wanted to collaborate with my lawyer on art,” she continued. “The idea of fantastical art in the form of legal documents just seems very intriguing to me.” Then, Grimes decided to take into consideration that this COVID-19 pandemic has put a dent in millions of pockets, so instead of the $10 million price tag, Grimes has opted to take the "best offer" she receives.

You can see the musician's art on the Gallery Platform Los Angeles between May 28 through June 3, and at Maccarone Los Angeles from May 28 to August 31. How much would you sell your soul for?

